Sunday, 24 April 2011

My own merit.

I posted earlier about some of my works in progress. One of them has come a long way since then.

First my running lady looks like this.

I often end up with something different than I had thought of first because I see other possibilities while working. I know is against the unwritten rules of Photoshop but I started to think that two of the filters would look good in combination with painting. I also added some style-buttons.

Now she looks like this.

My plan was really to let the image be a black lined drawing but one colour led to another and before I knew it I was working it as a painting instead. I like the dynamic of the image.
I'll add more to this but need to let it rest for a while and come back to it later. It's easier to spot errors or see new possibilities when a project is left out of sight in a period.