Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Happy Brithday William Shatner!!!!

Famous for his striking style of acting, mystical hair (Read about it here) and speaking like Every. Word. Is. Its. Own. Sentence. William Shatner is one of the most entertaining actor I've seen on screen.

Except from Star Trek I haven't watched much else of Mr. Shatner's work. Here's my favourites.


A film that I found hard to forget is "Incubus" from 1966. What a strange film. It's shot in black and white and the language throughout the film is Esperanto which gives it a European artsy Bergman feel to it.


Colourful and one of the most long-lived and famous science fiction shows to grace television. Half of the fun watching this is because of William Shatner, he's ridiculous and hot at the same time, how is that possible?


DENNY CRANE!!! Do I need to add more? This law-show is a lot of fun but isn't afraid to raise controversial questions. It's entertaining and provocative with one of the provoking elements being William Shatner's Denny Crane.

So congratulation with your 80s birthday William Shatner.  

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